How do you view Chiang Kai-Shek ytransferring the Nationalists’ treasury to Taiwan as his familial nest egg when the Nationalists fled the mainland? (Refer to Gen. Stillwell’s _Memoirs_).

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The public was told the governmental “oopsie!” re the Embassy’s address, but concurrently on an Apple II GS dialup connection, via a site called terrasoft dot com, my private home was viewable from a satellite image zoomed in to the extent that dips in the grass of the yard or the height of a stone wall could be seen or determined, respectively. I presume to assume that the NATO/US military had better maps, even of Belgrade, with which nation we were at war.

Shortly thereafter, Russian special forces landed and occupied the airport in Belgrade. To our protests, they just winked wryly, and said the ruzzkii equivalent of, “Oops! We don’t have good maps, either! Is this *Belgrade* Airport?”

Ultimately, the story came out that the Chinese were supplying arms to Milosovic’s Serbs—coincidentally, with whom we were at war.

Mistake? Hardly! Real politik, is what that’s called.

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How do you know this “Leo”?

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